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Café del Clima CERI

14 de noviembre a las 16:00 - 5:30 pm

Café del Clima CERI

When: November 14, 4-5:30pm

Dónde: Virtual


What is a climate cafe?

Los cafés climáticos son espacios físicos o virtuales para que los miembros de la comunidad compartan experiencias y sentimientos relacionados con esta policrisis. Podemos reunirnos en el campus, en un café, en un parque, en una sala de conferencias, en un espacio de trabajo o en cualquier lugar de reunión que la gente elija.

A Climate Cafe is a welcoming, inclusive, facilitated and on-off process in community, offering space to explore our personal impact in regards to this crisis and to practice deep listening to both others and ourselves. By courageously speaking up about our climate feelings, we normalize them for ourselves, but also become an active participant in breaking the collective silence. There is no other agenda, no pressure to take action, no need to bring solutions. No expectation to do or fix.

Just an open invitation to share for a while with others who also care.

“Essentially, at the core, we come to a Climate Café out of love: love we are searching for in ourselves, the love that we hold for family, friends, community, the love we have for other beings and ultimately,  if we allow ourselves to feel it … the love to protect life.” — C.Wilson, 2024
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