10th Annual Sentinel Awards for Environmental Stewardship


​This event is more than just an awards presentation; it’s a chance to celebrate and uplift leaders who's work is often thankless. Each recipient represents a drive within each of us to protect what we love. This event is about making connections that sustain our movement in the years ahead, and uplifting stories from our movement. 

Cracking the Code on Affordable Resilient Housing


Rick Tallman offers both the big picture as well as insights into two projects aiming to change that, and change it at scale. One project used a modular approach to erect a net zero residential high-rise in Seattle, the other, Shibusa Systems, creates a process to build low cost single homes in record time.

Café del Clima CERI


Los cafés climáticos son espacios físicos o virtuales para que los miembros de la comunidad compartan experiencias y sentimientos relacionados con esta policrisis. Podemos reunirnos en el campus, en un café, en un parque, en una sala de conferencias, en un espacio de trabajo o en cualquier lugar de reunión que la gente elija.