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Reverse Tashlich

September 29 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Reverse Tashlich

When: Sept 29, 9:30am-12pm

Where: Location to be given upon registration


Every year since the program has expanded as new communities have joined and removed thousands of pounds of debris from waterfront locations around the world as part of their High Holiday observance. The Boulder JCC is partnering with Inland Ocean Coalition to host a family-friendly creek clean-up in Boulder. Take part in High Holiday and sustainable practices within your community, exact location details will be provided a few days before the event.

Tashlich is a Rosh Hashanah ritual in which Jews begin the new year by symbolically casting off last year’s sins by tossing pebbles or bread crumbs into a body of water. In 2016, the college division of Repair the Sea (Scubi Jew®️) at Eckerd College conceived the idea of hosting a Reverse Tashlich, a beach cleanup to remove human “sins” from the water.
