Nuclear Nexus & Nuclear Guardianship Collective


RMPJC was founded with a main focus of closing down the Rocky Flats nuclear plant. In coordination with AFSC Denver, Greenpeace, and numerous other organizations, RMPJC worked to end the production of potentially harmful nuclear waste. Over time, RMPJC became the foremost peace and environmental group working steadily for the best possible procedures to properly clean up the already thoroughly contaminated site. However, due to an improper “clean up” by government agencies, the efforts to clean up Rocky flats and make it habitable once again is still underway.

Louisville Grasslands Spring Field Trip

Davidson Mesa Trailhead South 80th Street Boulder, CO 80303

Join local partners for a walk in our local grasslands to learn about the nuances involved in planning and managing these landscapes.


Louisville Grasslands Spring Field Trip

Davidson Mesa Trailhead South 80th Street Boulder, CO 80303

Join Louisville Open Space, the Boulder Watershed Collective, Grama Grass & Livestock, the Louisville Fire Protection district, and Wildfire Partners to take a short walk in our local grasslands and learn about some of the nuances involved in planning and managing these landscapes. We'll start at the Davidson Mesa Trailhead, and from there we'll take a mellow walk (a mile or less), interspersed with stops to discuss what we see and how management objectives are approached on the ground. Cows will be actively grazing the landscape at Davidson Mesa during this time, so we can see their work in action and learn about their role in supporting grassland management objectives. 

Disaster Preparedness Basics

Superior Community Center 1500 Coalton Rd, Superior, CO 80027, USA

Join Boulder Office of Disaster Management to increase your personal preparedness! During this 1 hour workshop you'll learn about Boulder County's hazards, emergency alerts, personal risk assessment, and create your own disaster preparedness plan!