Nuclear Nexus & Nuclear Guardianship Collective


RMPJC was founded with a main focus of closing down the Rocky Flats nuclear plant. In coordination with AFSC Denver, Greenpeace, and numerous other organizations, RMPJC worked to end the production of potentially harmful nuclear waste. Over time, RMPJC became the foremost peace and environmental group working steadily for the best possible procedures to properly clean up the already thoroughly contaminated site. However, due to an improper “clean up” by government agencies, the efforts to clean up Rocky flats and make it habitable once again is still underway.

Legislative Wrap Up Empower Hour


We will hear from legislators about climate and energy bills and their outcomes. Confirmed guests are Representatives Judy Amabile, Kyle Brown and Junie Joseph.

The Staples, Snacks and Splurges of Colorado’s Hungry Birds

Boulder Unitarian Universalist Church 5001 Pennsylvania Ave, Boulder, CO 80303

In this presentation we will attempt to describe the wild foods of Colorado’s birds. They have their tried and true “go-to” items and they are champions of opportunism. The true joy of birding is the sense of discovery. Studying what birds eat is fun and full of surprises. It has long been the presenter’s contention that the skills and tools possessed by birders can be applied to more than “what is it?” and “how many are there?” The gaps in published bird life histories are MANY and we can fill them by living up to what the world calls us – “bird watchers”. By carefully observing a bird for just a few minutes beyond identification, we can gather valuable information on habitat, feeding habits and other behaviors. With our phones, point-and-shoots and mega-cameras we can document these things. And all are potentially useful to conservation. Let’s do it.