Smoke and Ash Damage: Stakeholder Meeting


Many Marshall Fire survivors are struggling with finding the proper insurance coverage and settlements for their homes that didn't burn down but were extremely damaged by smoke, soot and ash. This is why CO State Representative Kyle Brown helped to bring HB24-1315 forward. 

La Milpa Cultivating with Tradition/ La Milpa: Cultivando con Tradicion 3 Sisters Garden with Diego M.

Growing Gardens 1630 Hawthorn Ave, Boulder

Throughout this workshop we will dive a little deeper into the roots of the well-known "Mesoamerican triad" or "three sisters".  We will share ancient tales and stories shared from generation to generation by our grandparents, thus we will understand a little more the value and cultural and spiritual meaning that these plants and foods have for us The Mexica Aztecs and other different tribes of Mesoamerica.

A lo largo de este taller, nos sumergiremos un poco más en las raíces de la conocida "triada mesoamericana" o "tres hermanas". Compartiremos antiguas historias y relatos transmitidos de generación en generación por nuestros abuelos, de esta manera entenderemos un poco más el valor y el significado cultural y espiritual que estas plantas y alimentos tienen para nosotros, los Mexicas Aztecas y otras tribus diferentes de Mesoamérica.

Nuclear Energy Information Service: A Night with the Experts


Nuclear Energy Information Service: A Night with the Experts featuring Tami Thatcher a nuclear safety expert, researcher, and author. She will be speaking on The Downside of Expanding Nuclear Energy, Unspoken High Costs and Harm.

Songs of Solidarity

DV8 Distillery 49th Street, Boulder

Climatique is proud to announce “Songs of Solidary” a benefit show, community gathering, and mutual aid market for Palestine! It will be a night to be together in community, to raise funds to help families in Gaza, to learn and share ideas, and to celebrate the power and responsibility we have to fight for what is right.