Week of Events
Street Wise Mural Festival
Street Wise Mural Festival returns September 13-15, 2024. Street Wise Arts’ flagship program explores the intersection of art and activism (ARTivism) while centering womxn, BIPOC, LGBTQIA, and emerging artists based in Colorado and beyond. The Festival will primarily install public art projects in the neighborhood of East Boulder.
Prove It’s Clean: a campaign for coral reefs and safer sunscreen in Roatán, Honduras
Prove It’s Clean: a campaign for coral reefs and safer sunscreen in Roatán, Honduras
Join us for a panel presentation on Prove It's Clean, a campaign to ban petrochemical sunscreens in Roatán, an island off the coast of Honduras. The presentation will go into some background of the island, an explanation of the harm caused by petrochemical sunscreens, and the action plan we are taking to address this problem in favor of the health of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef.
Identify and Fight Disinformation
Identify and Fight Disinformation
How can good citizens help to identify and combat election-related misinformation? Learn how from retired Colorado Sun journalist Sandra Fish and Denver PL research and programming librarian Lauren Seegmiller. Their presentations will be followed by conversation and a Q&A facilitated by the Boulder Library Foundation's executive director Chris Barge.
From Land Loss, Boarding Schools, and the Indian Child Welfare Act to Housing Insecurities: Addressing Violence and Displacement in Indian Country and the Importance of Low-Barrier Housing Policies for Survivors
From Land Loss, Boarding Schools, and the Indian Child Welfare Act to Housing Insecurities: Addressing Violence and Displacement in Indian Country and the Importance of Low-Barrier Housing Policies for Survivors
STTARS, Indigenous Safe Housing Center is hosting a webinar that will discuss the history of boarding schools and child welfare at the intersection of land loss, gender-based violence, housing disparities, and housing insecurities and the ensuing lasting genocidal impacts on American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States.
RMPJC Annual Meeting
RMPJC Annual Meeting
You are invited to join our RMPJC annual meeting next Wednesday 9/18 from 5:30-7:30PM! Join us for a time to be in community with fellow Peace Center allies, enjoy a delicious free meal from a local caterer, and learn more about the work we've done this year and what we have planned for the rest of the year!
Fridays for Free Palestine! DIY Screen Printing
Fridays for Free Palestine! DIY Screen Printing
Drop by our Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center office in Boulder for some DIY screen printing for a Free Palestine!
Ceasefire Now! Art Training & Build
Ceasefire Now! Art Training & Build
Join us on Friday 9/20 at 4:00 pm for a hands-on interactive art training and build, where you will learn stenciling, block printing, screen printing, wheat pasting, and much more! At this training, you will be able to create a variety of protest art to take home - feel free to bring an item of clothing you would like printed on! All of the art at the training will focus on messaging around freeing Palestine and calling for a ceasefire.
YBF Sovereignty Summit
YBF Sovereignty Summit
We are using the word Sovereignty to define our own personal authority over ourselves and the responsibility that it demands from each of us as individuals to self-govern in high integrity with a shared community Ethos. The day will consist of eight 3-person panels with 1 moderator, with a round-table lunch in the afternoon. The “WHY” for this event is to bring together the local movers and shakers and our broader audience of supporters to discuss the importance of each of these topics as it directly relates to us as a community. It will be community-led and crafted around 8 key topics.