Todd Gulch Fen Phenology

Exact location provided upon registration

What is a Fen? What is Phenology? Come learn about wetlands, rare species, and citizen science with botanist and ecologist Gwen Kittel. We’ll cover plant identification and learn how to document the phenological stages (bud burst, flowering, fruiting, etc.) of wildflowers, sedges, shrubs and even conifer trees!

Todd Gulch Fen Phenology

Exact location provided upon registration

What is a Fen? What is Phenology? Come learn about wetlands, rare species, and citizen science with botanist and ecologist Gwen Kittel. We’ll cover plant identification and learn how to document the phenological stages (bud burst, flowering, fruiting, etc.) of wildflowers, sedges, shrubs and even conifer trees!

Back to School DIY Herbal Remedies

Friends Farm Nyland Way, Lafayette

Join Friends Farm and medical herbalist Lauren Nichols to discover the enchanting world of aromatic herbs hands-on. You'll learn to craft your own seasonal remedies. We will be crafting with fresh herbs directly from the farm and will also have fresh herbs and veggies available at the farm stand afterwards!