Community Connections Fair: Join or Die

Boulder Public Library 4800 Baseline Rd Ste C112, Boulder

Connect with community groups and library clubs in the Canyon Gallery at the Main Library leading up to the 6:30 p.m. screening of "Join or Die" with special guest Warm Cookies of the Revolution, as the library kicks off it's two-month democracy series this fall! 

SPP Regional Transmission Organization Expansion West and What it Means for Colorado


In early 2026 several major Colorado Utilities will be joining the Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP) Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) as it expands into the Western Interconnection. The SPP will bring an organized market to Colorado and nearby states with the benefits of increased reliability and better economics, with a Brattle Group study predicting $49 million in annual savings. We will be joined by Steve Johnson of the SPP who will discuss what this means for Colorado utilities and ratepayers.

Join or Die with Special Guest: Warm Cookies of the Revolution

Boulder Public Library 4800 Baseline Rd Ste C112, Boulder

With an introduction from Chris Barge of the Boulder Library Foundation and Evan Weissman of Warm Cookies of the Revolution, this event kicks off the Boulder Public Library's Democracy Series this fall through September and October. "Join or Die" is a film about why you should join a club—and why the fate of America depends on it.