From Land Loss, Boarding Schools, and the Indian Child Welfare Act to Housing Insecurities: Addressing Violence and Displacement in Indian Country and the Importance of Low-Barrier Housing Policies for Survivors


STTARS, Indigenous Safe Housing Center is hosting a webinar that will discuss the history of boarding schools and child welfare at the intersection of land loss, gender-based violence, housing disparities, and housing insecurities and the ensuing lasting genocidal impacts on American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States.

Bald Eagles and Habitat Preservation in the northern Colorado Front Range: The Stearns Lake Territory at a Crossroads


Front Range Eagles Studies would like to invite you to participate in a Zoom meeting and presentation on September 18th at 7pm. We will focus on the Stearns nesting bald eagles, and how their history emphasizes the challenges that some territorial bald eagles face in the rapidly developing Colorado Front Range due to a scarcity of nesting trees, and diminished habitat and prey resources. The presentation will run about 20 minutes with questions and conversation afterward.