Plaster Workshop

Elk Run Farm 12191 N Foothills Hwy, Longmont

Plastering is a radical act of community care for structures that hold beings in a naturally soothing environment. You will leave this workshop with a basic knowledge of how to formulate a plaster recipe, test, apply, and maintain plaster at your desired build sites! We will also discuss plasters' creative and beautifying properties and explore techniques for different shades, textures and more! 

YBF Sovereignty Summit

Yellow Barn Farm 9417 N Foothills Hwy., Longmont

We are using the word Sovereignty to define our own personal authority over ourselves and the responsibility that it demands from each of us as individuals to self-govern in high integrity with a shared community Ethos. The day will consist of eight 3-person panels with 1 moderator, with a round-table lunch in the afternoon. The “WHY” for this event is to bring together the local movers and shakers and our broader audience of supporters to discuss the importance of each of these topics as it directly relates to us as a community. It will be community-led and crafted around 8 key topics.