Week of Events
Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day!
Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day!
Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Days at the Dairy Arts Center. Sponsored by Right Relationship Boulder and Creative Nations.
Empower Hour: Exposing the CO Oil & Gas Industry’s Free Pass to Pollute
Empower Hour: Exposing the CO Oil & Gas Industry’s Free Pass to Pollute
How venting and flaring continue to take a toll on clean air and our climate and what is being done about it. Jeremy is a specialist in campaign strategy and leveraging the law to drive social and environmental change, Jeremy Nichols is particularly fond of the Clean Air Act and the law's ability to empower citizens and communities to successfully confront polluters. Jeremy currently works as a Senior Advocate with the Center for Biological Diversity's Environmental Health Program.
Expanding Transmission Capacity with Grid Enhancing Technologies
Expanding Transmission Capacity with Grid Enhancing Technologies
We’ll be joined by Tim Stelzer and Eli Asher of LineVision who will provide an overview of GETs, the capabilities they offer, their current state-of-play in the U.S., and highlight case studies of dynamic line rating (DLR) technology. They will wrap up with a discussion of how legislation and regulation can play a role in ensuring the technology is used cost-effectively.
Henrietta Mann & the Legacy of Sand Creek
Henrietta Mann & the Legacy of Sand Creek
We are honored to present an evening with renowned Cheyenne educator and advocate, Dr. Henrietta Mann. A descendant of survivors of the Sand Creek Massacre, Dr. Mann will reflect on the lasting effects of this tragic event on Cheyenne women. She will share ideas for how best to educate young people and the general public about this dark history, as well as discuss current efforts to acknowledge the massacre. Join us to listen, reflect, and discuss how we collectively reckon with the past in the present, and for generations to come.
Neonics in Colorado, the Toxic Truth: The Pesticides Threatening Bees, Birds and Our Health
Neonics in Colorado, the Toxic Truth: The Pesticides Threatening Bees, Birds and Our Health
Join PPAN, ABC and NRDC for a talk on the science behind threats posed by neonicotinoid pesticides (“neonics”) to pollinators, birds, and our own health.
Naturalist Chat, A Bird Q&A
Naturalist Chat, A Bird Q&A
Do you wonder where your backyard birds have gone? Do you have questions about bird feeding? Need help identifying a bird? Then join us for Naturalist Chat, A Bird Q&A, and share the bird questions that have been chirping in the back of your mind!
Native Bees and the Emergence of “Pollinator Districts” in Boulder County
Native Bees and the Emergence of “Pollinator Districts” in Boulder County
This program will provide an overview of the diversity and ecology of native bees in Boulder County. Wild bees play an integral role in both natural and agroecosystems. Understanding the impacts of human environmental change on wild bee communities is thus paramount to agriculture and bee conservation.
NSF NCAR Explorer Series at the Longmont Museum “Atmospheric rivers in a changing climate: How rivers in the sky could change”
NSF NCAR Explorer Series at the Longmont Museum “Atmospheric rivers in a changing climate: How rivers in the sky could change”
On Thursday, October 17th from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (MT), the Longmont Museum welcomes NSF NCAR scientist Christine Shields for a lecture, "Atmospheric rivers in a changing climate: How rivers in the sky could change". This lecture will be presented in person at the Longmont Museum, and also online through multiple outlets listed on their website. Reservations are recommended for in person attendees.
Haystack Farm Field Day
Haystack Farm Field Day
Join Mad Agriculture’s Director of Stewardship, Clark Harshbarger, as he takes us through a geologic history of the Left Hand Valley and Haystack Mountain. To highlight the day's events, we will spend time identifying and describing inherent and dynamic soil properties, such as the soil’s horizons, aggregates, organic matter content and porosity in a soil pit at Haystack Farm.
Saving Walden’s World Film Screening
Saving Walden’s World Film Screening
How land reform, literacy and universal higher education dramatically increase well-being
How family planning, child care and public health programs yielded results similar to advanced European social democracies in "poor" societies
How many of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals were achieved by empowered women
Regenerative Farm Tour and Farmer AMA
Regenerative Farm Tour and Farmer AMA
Join us for an insider tour of Friends Farm, a two-acre biodynamic vegetable and herb farm at Nyland Cohousing! Whether you’re curious about the realities of regenerative farming or looking to get hands-on experience, this is your chance to dive deep into the nitty gritty of working with our climate and food system.
GreenLatinos & Protégete Present: Summit & Celebración
GreenLatinos & Protégete Present: Summit & Celebración
Join GreenLatinos & Protégete for a day of discussions and connection ~ Acompañe a GreenLatinos y Protégete en un día de debates y conexión
Why the Gaza Conflict is now a Regional and soon to be Global Conflict
Why the Gaza Conflict is now a Regional and soon to be Global Conflict
Dr. Mazin Butros Qumsiyeh is a Palestinian scientist and author, founder and director of the Palestine Museum of Natural History (PMNH) and the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS) at Bethlehem University where he teaches. Over the course of his career, he has published well over 150 scientific papers on topics ranging from cultural heritage to biodiversity. He has authored several books including Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle.