From Land Loss, Boarding Schools, and the Indian Child Welfare Act to Housing Insecurities: Addressing Violence and Displacement in Indian Country and the Importance of Low-Barrier Housing Policies for Survivors


STTARS, Indigenous Safe Housing Center is hosting a webinar that will discuss the history of boarding schools and child welfare at the intersection of land loss, gender-based violence, housing disparities, and housing insecurities and the ensuing lasting genocidal impacts on American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States.

RMPJC Annual Meeting

Andrews Family Farm Jay Road, Boulder

You are invited to join our RMPJC annual meeting next Wednesday 9/18 from 5:30-7:30PM! Join us for a time to be in community with fellow Peace Center allies, enjoy a delicious free meal from a local caterer, and learn more about the work we've done this year and what we have planned for the rest of the year!