GreenFaith Climate Grief Circle


In this virtual circle, we will witness our individual and collective grief and find ways of living and being in relationship to our beautiful planet. Together, we'll root in our unique faiths and cultivate collective resilience and hope -- and remain ever committed to taking action.

Free Compost Workshop

Boulder Recycling Center 1901 63rd St, Boulder, US

These free workshops are welcome to anyone interested in learning how to successfully start and manage a backyard compost pile in Colorado. Backyard composting is an effective way to reduce household carbon footprints and provide quality compost for use in gardens. Learn how to start and maintain a highly efficient backyard compost system by knowing what to feed your compost pile, appropriate bins and methods for our geographical region, tips and troubleshooting, and more.

Nuclear Nexus & Nuclear Guardianship Collective


RMPJC was founded with a main focus of closing down the Rocky Flats nuclear plant. In coordination with AFSC Denver, Greenpeace, and numerous other organizations, RMPJC worked to end the production of potentially harmful nuclear waste. Over time, RMPJC became the foremost peace and environmental group working steadily for the best possible procedures to properly clean up the already thoroughly contaminated site. However, due to an improper “clean up” by government agencies, the efforts to clean up Rocky flats and make it habitable once again is still underway.