Springtime Fruit Tree Care Workshop

Benevolence Orchard 6712 Jay rd, Boulder CO 6712 Jay Rd, Boulder

Join Community Fruit Rescue to share in the celebration and learn how to care for your fruit tree(s)! The session will cover meeting your trees’ nutritional needs, efficient water use, building resistance to pests and diseases, and how to be a good neighbor to our local black bears (who also love fresh fruit!). The team will introduce participants to a few recommended companion plants that will invite a diversity of beneficial species to your property to assist with pest control, pollination, and soil health. 

Community Fruit Rescue: Summertime Fruit Tree Care Workshop

Benevolence Orchard 6712 Jay rd, Boulder CO 6712 Jay Rd, Boulder

Join Community Fruit Rescue for an interactive lesson in timely practices including pest management, selective thinning, foliar feeding, sunscald prevention, and more that will benefit your tree and the quality of the harvest to come.