Harvest of All First Nations: Exploring the Tapestry of Biodiversity with Nelson Heider-Khun

Growing Gardens 1630 Hawthorn Ave, Boulder, CO, United States

Dive into the captivating world of biodiversity in our upcoming workshop, where we will explore the profound implications of ecological diversity and its relation to landscape function. This class will explain the interconnectedness of all living beings and the critical role that each species plays in maintaining the health and function of ecosystems from the soil up. We aim to help you gain a deeper understanding of how biodiversity shapes our world and why it is essential for the health and sustainability of our planet.

La Milpa Cultivating with Tradition/ La Milpa: Cultivando con Tradicion 3 Sisters Garden with Diego M.

Growing Gardens 1630 Hawthorn Ave, Boulder, CO, United States

Throughout this workshop we will dive a little deeper into the roots of the well-known "Mesoamerican triad" or "three sisters".  We will share ancient tales and stories shared from generation to generation by our grandparents, thus we will understand a little more the value and cultural and spiritual meaning that these plants and foods have for us The Mexica Aztecs and other different tribes of Mesoamerica.

A lo largo de este taller, nos sumergiremos un poco más en las raíces de la conocida "triada mesoamericana" o "tres hermanas". Compartiremos antiguas historias y relatos transmitidos de generación en generación por nuestros abuelos, de esta manera entenderemos un poco más el valor y el significado cultural y espiritual que estas plantas y alimentos tienen para nosotros, los Mexicas Aztecas y otras tribus diferentes de Mesoamérica.

Growing Food As Medicine Gathering

Growing Gardens 1630 Hawthorn Ave, Boulder, CO, United States

Cooking dinner from scratch is always a treat, but did you know that home cooked meals can also be good medicine? Our ancestors did. Come learn about the magic of cooking, and the medicinal usage of the common foods and herbs that we have growing in the Harvest of all First Nations Garden.

Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Pollinators

Growing Gardens 1630 Hawthorn Ave, Boulder, CO, United States

Harvest of All First Nations (HAFN), an Indigenous-led grassroots organization committed to land rematriation and amplifying BIPOC voices, is proud to collaborate with Butterfly Pavilion for a unique and immersive cultural experience. Join us for an inspiring workshop featuring our community’s esteemed Fancy Shawl Dancer, Joselyn Running Wolf, accompanied by Chasing Hawk and the renowned drum group, Standing Bear. The Fancy Shawl Dance is deeply respected in Indigenous communities, as its graceful movements mirror the spirit of the butterfly, symbolizing transformation and renewal.