Ceasefire Now! Art Training & Build

Exact location provided upon registration

Join us on Friday 9/20 at 4:00 pm for a hands-on interactive art training and build, where you will learn stenciling, block printing, screen printing, wheat pasting, and much more! At this training, you will be able to create a variety of protest art to take home - feel free to bring an item of clothing you would like printed on! All of the art at the training will focus on messaging around freeing Palestine and calling for a ceasefire.

2024 Seed to Still Regenerative Grain Farm Tour

Exact location provided upon registration

Join the Colorado Grain Chain and the Alliance for Collective Action this September for a grain-filled day! Kicking off bright and early, we’ll take you on our Seed to Still Tour featuring Colorado grains from field to facility. The Seed to Still farm tour aims to explore and celebrate craftsmanship, community and the dedication to heirloom regenerative and organic grains in Colorado.

Reverse Tashlich

Exact location provided upon registration

Tashlich is a Rosh Hashanah ritual in which Jews begin the new year by symbolically casting off last year's sins by tossing pebbles or bread crumbs into a body of water. In 2016, the college division of Repair the Sea (Scubi Jew®️) at Eckerd College conceived the idea of hosting a Reverse Tashlich, a beach cleanup to remove human "sins" from the water.