Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change: Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples


In this 2-hour participatory program, we experience the history of the colonization of Turtle Island, the land that is now known as the United States. The story is told through the words of Indigenous leaders, European/American leaders, and Western historians. We engage with this history through experiential exercises and small group discussions. And we are invited to consider how we can build relationships with Indigenous peoples based on truth, respect, justice, and our shared humanity. Facilitated by TRR's Native and non-Native teams. Appropriate for high school students and adults.

Everything You Wanted To Know About Carbon Capture, But Were Afraid To Ask.


Morey will share his extensive knowledge of carbon capture, utilization and Storage (CCUS) technologies, energy and water requirements, economics, politics, and CO2 impacts. He will provide an update on CCUS Colorado activities, at the legislature and state regulatory agencies. This will be a fast-paced, yet comprehensive presentation designed to provide the audience with the CCUS basics, including important, yet rarely-discussed specifics.

NSF NCAR Explorer Series “Tormentas por todo el mundo: ¿cómo las observaciones pueden ayudar a salvar vidas?”


Please join our virtual Explorer Series conversation, "Tormentas por todo el mundo: ¿cómo las observaciones pueden ayudar a salvar vidas?" with NSF NCAR Scientist Dr. Anna del Moral Méndez. We will be using the Slido interface where anyone can ask questions during the conversation. This is a free public event for ages 12+ and will be hosted entirely in Spanish.

Webinar: Agrivoltaics in the Just Transition


Agrivoltaics is the co-location of agricultural activities within a solar array whereby the microclimates of the solar panels impact the growth, health, and production of crops and livestock. The Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center is providing a series of discussions about agrivoltaics highlighting various professionals engaged in or adjacent to the field of agrivoltaics. We center […]

Zero Emissions Communities Empower Hour


Discussing the City's proposed program in the Electric Resource Plan known as “Zero Emissions Communities” as a way for customers/communities, like Boulder, to close the emissions gap between Xcel’s estimated emissions in 2030 and their zero emissions goals.

Nuclear Nexus & Nuclear Guardianship Collective


RMPJC was founded with a main focus of closing down the Rocky Flats nuclear plant. In coordination with AFSC Denver, Greenpeace, and numerous other organizations, RMPJC worked to end the production of potentially harmful nuclear waste. Over time, RMPJC became the foremost peace and environmental group working steadily for the best possible procedures to properly clean up the already thoroughly contaminated site. However, due to an improper “clean up” by government agencies, the efforts to clean up Rocky flats and make it habitable once again is still underway.

GreenFaith Climate Grief Circle


In this virtual circle, we will witness our individual and collective grief and find ways of living and being in relationship to our beautiful planet. Together, we'll root in our unique faiths and cultivate collective resilience and hope -- and remain ever committed to taking action.

Nuclear Nexus & Nuclear Guardianship Collective


RMPJC was founded with a main focus of closing down the Rocky Flats nuclear plant. In coordination with AFSC Denver, Greenpeace, and numerous other organizations, RMPJC worked to end the production of potentially harmful nuclear waste. Over time, RMPJC became the foremost peace and environmental group working steadily for the best possible procedures to properly clean up the already thoroughly contaminated site. However, due to an improper “clean up” by government agencies, the efforts to clean up Rocky flats and make it habitable once again is still underway.

Yellowstone’s Iconic Bird: The Trumpeter Swan


In this webinar you will learn about the history of trumpeter swans in Yellowstone National Park and their iconic status in this place best known for unique geothermal activity and its charismatic megafauna. Learn how this area of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming became the center for the conservation and recovery of trumpeter swans! Dive into the history of swans in the Park- from their high numbers before the 1960s to the time of decline and near-bust in recent decades. Discover what Yellowstone has done to make sure the iconic trumpeter swan doesn’t disappear from the Park, using research and management actions. And much more!