A Divestment Conversation with Bill McKibben


Our conversation will center the divestment efforts of people of faith, and the effort to divest in the United Methodist Church. We will hear from Bill McKibben and also William H. Morris. There will be time for Q&A, and to learn out what we can do as United Methodists to be good stewards and faithful investors.

A Deep Dive into the CO Native Pollinating Insects Health Study


Don't have time to read a 300+ page study report?! Join PPAN as we explore the recently released Colorado Native Pollinating Insects Health Study with Dr. Adrian Carper and Steve Armstead, experts in entomology and conservation. This Study has broad implications for Colorado's protection and conservation of native pollinating insects, and the recommendations will also serve as a model for municipal and private lands. Our webinar will highlight the Study's key scientific findings and present valuable land management and policy recommendations.