Nuclear Nexus & Nuclear Guardianship Collective


RMPJC was founded with a main focus of closing down the Rocky Flats nuclear plant. In coordination with AFSC Denver, Greenpeace, and numerous other organizations, RMPJC worked to end the production of potentially harmful nuclear waste. Over time, RMPJC became the foremost peace and environmental group working steadily for the best possible procedures to properly clean up the already thoroughly contaminated site. However, due to an improper “clean up” by government agencies, the efforts to clean up Rocky flats and make it habitable once again is still underway.

Nuclear Nexus & Nuclear Guardianship Collective


RMPJC was founded with a main focus of closing down the Rocky Flats nuclear plant. In coordination with AFSC Denver, Greenpeace, and numerous other organizations, RMPJC worked to end the production of potentially harmful nuclear waste. Over time, RMPJC became the foremost peace and environmental group working steadily for the best possible procedures to properly clean up the already thoroughly contaminated site. However, due to an improper “clean up” by government agencies, the efforts to clean up Rocky flats and make it habitable once again is still underway.

ICAN 2024 Summit


As the most important election of our times approaches, join Indivisible CO for a 3 hour virtual summit!

Native Women and Allies Speak: What You Weren’t Taught in School


The Coalition of Natives and Allies is composed of 3 Native women and 2 non-Native women who have been teaching the truth about our shared history with the Indigenous peoples of this land. We strive to build bridges between Indigenous communities, allies, legislators, faith-based and non-profit organizations, state agencies, school administrators and educators in order to cultivate respect and end racism. After four years of doing this work, we have turned our educational program into a film under the direction of filmmaker Eli Noyes.

Longmont Water Fair

Dickens Farm Nature Area Boston Avenue between Main and Martin Streets Longmont, CO 80501

Where does your water come from? Where is it going? How can we be good water stewards along its journey? The Longmont Water Fair is a collaborative event that brings together science, art, and education to celebrate the watershed you live in. Follow water's journey from mountain to home through hands-on science activities, art projects, live performances, and conversations with local water experts. Join us for this free, family-friendly event to meet your neighbors, complete our scavenger hunt for prizes, and leave with action steps you can take towards a more water-conscious future.

Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change: Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples


In this 2-hour participatory program, we experience the history of the colonization of Turtle Island, the land that is now known as the United States. The story is told through the words of Indigenous leaders, European/American leaders, and Western historians. We engage with this history through experiential exercises and small group discussions. And we are invited to consider how we can build relationships with Indigenous peoples based on truth, respect, justice, and our shared humanity. Facilitated by TRR's Native and non-Native teams. Appropriate for high school students and adults.