Boulder Regional Winter Sowing

East Boulder Community Center 5660 Sioux Dr, Boulder, US

Learn how to plant native seeds in sow bags and get a head start on your habitat garden. Our experienced leaders will guide you through the process, so no green thumb required! This in-person event is perfect for beginners and seasoned gardeners alike. Don't miss out on this fun and educational workshop!

Winter Tree Care: Pruning Apple & Pear Trees

Benevolence Orchard 6712 Jay rd, Boulder CO 6712 Jay Rd, Boulder

This workshop will focus on how to prune back branches and encourage strong branching structure that will promote air circulation and stimulate robust fruit production. Before trees leaf out (late January through February) is the best time to prune.​ Please note that we will focus this workshop primarily on apple and pear trees, and will briefly look at some stone fruit trees. 

The Dirt on Soil: Exploring the Foundation of Your Native Plant Garden


Soil is living and not living and determines whether we thrive or perish on Earth. In this two-part series, Kristine will lay out a foundation for how soil works, its complexity and interaction with plants. She'll introduce the concept of Planetary Boundaries, ecological processes which keep the Earth stable and functioning. Starting with basic concepts about soil and how plants, microbes, and human beings interact with it, she'll move to practical applications for lightening our impacts and helping support pollinators, birds, and water/land conservation. Bring your soil/gardening questions!

BoCo Seasonal Supper Club

Altona Grange Hall 9386 N 39th St, Longmont, CO, United States

Gather at the table with Boulder County’s most passionate food lovers for an evening that’s equal parts potluck, farm dinner, and community celebration.

Native Plants in Permaculture


Permaculture is a design methodology that works with nature to create resilient systems, from gardens and farms to entire communities. In this webinar, Amy Scanes-Wolfe will explore how native plants fit into the permaculture framework. What does it really mean for a plant to be “native”? Which native plants play key roles in forest gardens and other diverse plantings? And which native plants can also be tasty, useful food crops? Join PPAN for a practical and inspiring look at how native plants can make a big impact!

Goat Yoga Flow on the Farm

Friends Farm Nyland Way, Lafayette, Colorado, United States

This is going to be a fun one! Eco Niko of GhostPrint and Compost Kingdom will be bringing by 3 of his goats to bless our hoophouse at the start of our growing season. Bring some good vibes and lets create some chaotic good vibes together!