History from a “Birds Eye View” – Changes in feathered fauna in an evolving landscape

Lafayette Public Library 775 W Baseline Rd, Lafayette, CO, United States

In addition to its own song, that Blue Jay calling out in your backyard sings its part in the chorus of Boulder County's story. This fascinating program, co-sponsored by the Boulder County Nature Association, tracks the changes in the nature of our land – how changes in human land use have transformed the avian fauna of our region. Join Naturalist, Martin Ogle, and Lafayette Historical Society's Gerry Morrell to find out!

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching

Greenlee Wildlife Preserve 1600 Caria DriveLafayette, CO, 80026

All, including beginning birders, are invited to experience the fun and discovery of bird watching at the Greenlee Wildlife Preserve on the first Sunday of each month year-round. Knowledgeable bird watchers will be on hand with binoculars, spotting scopes, and learning tools to assist in the fun activity of identifying birds in their natural habitats.

Bald Eagles and Habitat Preservation in the northern Colorado Front Range: The Stearns Lake Territory at a Crossroads


Front Range Eagles Studies would like to invite you to participate in a Zoom meeting and presentation on September 18th at 7pm. We will focus on the Stearns nesting bald eagles, and how their history emphasizes the challenges that some territorial bald eagles face in the rapidly developing Colorado Front Range due to a scarcity of nesting trees, and diminished habitat and prey resources. The presentation will run about 20 minutes with questions and conversation afterward.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching

Greenlee Wildlife Preserve 1600 Caria DriveLafayette, CO, 80026

All, including beginning birders, are invited to experience the fun and discovery of bird watching at the Greenlee Wildlife Preserve on the first Sunday of each month year-round. Knowledgeable bird watchers will be on hand with binoculars, spotting scopes, and learning tools to assist in the fun activity of identifying birds in their natural habitats.

Carpe Noctem: The Wonderful World of Bats


Join PPAN on October 10th from 12-1pm for our monthly webinar series with expert speaker Dr. Rick Adams! Bats are the second most diverse Order of Mammals on Earth today. Come learn about the unique anatomy, physiology, behavior, evolution, and ecology of bats that make them one of the most unique groups of animals in nature!

North Boulder County Wildlife Crossings Project- US 36 between Boulder and Lyons

Boulder Unitarian Universalist Church 5001 Pennsylvania Ave, Boulder, CO 80303

Boulder County Open Space, along with our partner departments of Transportation and Public Works, is pursuing implementation of wildlife crossing structures on US Highway 36 between Boulder and Lyons, specifically between Left Hand Canyon and US Highway 66. There are several reasons for our formalized pursuit of wildlife crossings. Boulder County has been concerned about the safety of the public and the wildlife due to the high level of annual wildlife-vehicle collisions in this stretch. As the primary landowner of the adjacent lands along this stretch, Boulder County is ready to take the steps necessary to address this issue, to protect wildlife and our residents and visitors.


Front Range Birding Company Canyon Boulevard, Boulder, Colorado, United States

Celebrate Halloween with a not-so-creepy hands-on exploration of mammal skulls! Mammalogist Carron Meaney and naturalist Dave Sutherland will share a wide variety of touchable replica and real skulls from Colorado mammals - including Homo sapiens - to highlight the similarities we all share, and the notable differences that show how each mammal lives and what it eats. This program is suitable for ages 6 to senility. Come prepared for fun.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching

Greenlee Wildlife Preserve 1600 Caria DriveLafayette, CO, 80026

All, including beginning birders, are invited to experience the fun and discovery of bird watching at the Greenlee Wildlife Preserve on the first Sunday of each month year-round. Knowledgeable bird watchers will be on hand with binoculars, spotting scopes, and learning tools to assist in the fun activity of identifying birds in their natural habitats.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching

Greenlee Wildlife Preserve 1600 Caria DriveLafayette, CO, 80026

All, including beginning birders, are invited to experience the fun and discovery of bird watching at the Greenlee Wildlife Preserve on the first Sunday of each month year-round. Knowledgeable bird watchers will be on hand with binoculars, spotting scopes, and learning tools to assist in the fun activity of identifying birds in their natural habitats.