Todd Gulch Fen Phenology

Exact location provided upon registration

What is a Fen? What is Phenology? Come learn about wetlands, rare species, and citizen science with botanist and ecologist Gwen Kittel. We’ll cover plant identification and learn how to document the phenological stages (bud burst, flowering, fruiting, etc.) of wildflowers, sedges, shrubs and even conifer trees!

Back to School DIY Herbal Remedies

Friends Farm Nyland Way, Lafayette, Colorado, United States

Join Friends Farm and medical herbalist Lauren Nichols to discover the enchanting world of aromatic herbs hands-on. You'll learn to craft your own seasonal remedies. We will be crafting with fresh herbs directly from the farm and will also have fresh herbs and veggies available at the farm stand afterwards!

Growing Food As Medicine Gathering

Growing Gardens 1630 Hawthorn Ave, Boulder, CO, United States

Cooking dinner from scratch is always a treat, but did you know that home cooked meals can also be good medicine? Our ancestors did. Come learn about the magic of cooking, and the medicinal usage of the common foods and herbs that we have growing in the Harvest of all First Nations Garden.

Standing for Humanity in Gaza and Israel

Dairy Arts Center 2590 Walnut St, Boulder, CO

The haunting 20-minute play opens with two prologues set on the morning of October 7th. It then sharply transforms into a ‘how to’ course in maintaining humanity in the aftermath of barbarism; poignantly capturing the moment when everything changed for the people of Israel, Palestine/Gaza, and way beyond. Proceeds go to Medical Aid for Palestine and Bring Them Home Now!

Establishing Multiple Income Streams for your Arts Business

NoBo Arts District Broadway, Boulder, Colorado, United States

Join us for a workshop presented by Kathy Beekman! Kathy is a professional artist, career coach, teaches painting workshops, and curates "Thrive through Travel" retreats. 

Check In, Tech Up (2 of 3): Navigating IT Systems to Support the Work of Tribal Domestic Violence Programs and Shelters


Managing operations for your tribal domestic violence program and/or shelter can be difficult, especially when the unexpected can occur. Having systems, practices and protections in place will help organizationally with growth, management, and to mitigate loss of time, data and services. Session 3 includes a combination of introducing robust hardware, versatile software, and best practices for data backup and recovery.

Boulder County Solar Switch Solar 101

Boulder Library - Boulder Creek Room 1001 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, CO, us

Learn about solar energy and its benefits for your home, or small business. We'll take you through the technology, economics, financing, and more.

Boulder County Solar Switch Solar 101

Lafayette Public Library 775 W Baseline Rd, Lafayette, CO, United States

Learn about solar energy and its benefits for your home, or small business. We'll take you through the technology, economics, financing, and more.

Bumble Bee Census Outing

Flagg Park Flagg Drive, Lafayette, Colorado, United States

Get up close and personal with some of our friendliest pollinators. Help contribute to the Xerces Society Bumble Bee Atlas by searching for bees along Coal Creek.  We’ll net them and chill them on ice briefly to take detailed photos, then release them unharmed.  Our data will help guide bumble bee conservation efforts throughout the West.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching

Greenlee Wildlife Preserve 1600 Caria DriveLafayette, CO, 80026

All, including beginning birders, are invited to experience the fun and discovery of bird watching at the Greenlee Wildlife Preserve on the first Sunday of each month year-round. Knowledgeable bird watchers will be on hand with binoculars, spotting scopes, and learning tools to assist in the fun activity of identifying birds in their natural habitats.