
eTown Hall 1535 Spruce Street, Boulder

Our mission at Switch is to bring together the energy community to share ideas and innovations through impassioned talks and often humor to advance change for a clean energy future.
Switch is a fun, fast-paced volunteer-run event that serves to bring the Colorado energy community together to learn, laugh, and network. The presentation concept is Pecha Kucha style, where 10 speakers have just a few minutes to present and inspire the audience with their topic.

Treehouse Learning: Gardening Volunteer Day

Treehouse Learning 175 N 96th St, Louisville, CO 80027

Support early-childhood education center Treehouse Learning and give back for Earth Day! This will be a small volunteer gardening event open to the public. Tasks will include scattering wildflower seeds, creating wildlife habitat, spreading compost for new pollinator gardens, assembling raised garden beds, moving stones, and picking up trash in the neighborhood.

Volunteer Training Day

Jack's Solar Garden 8102 N 95th St, Longmont, CO 80504

Are you interested in a long-term volunteer commitment with the Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center? This could look like leading public tours, helping us at events, participating in on-farm activities or even providing support with fundraising activities. If so, please join us for this volunteer training day where you can learn about the history of Jack's Solar Garden, what agrivoltaics even are, and what exciting research activities we have onsite.