What to Know: Powwow in Native America

Boulder Public Library Canyon Theater, 1001 Arapahoe Ave.

The University of Colorado Boulder's Oyate Native American and Indigenous Student Organization will be spearheading a powwow in the Fall of 2024. This powwow will be a continuation of Oyate's longstanding history at CU Boulder that has insisted on the empowerment of Native community presence and voice on campus and in the front range. In preparation for the Fall powwow, which will be open to the public, this program offers education about what a powwow is, its history and different forms, how powwow can be both a sacred and political space, and how to be a respectful visitor in the powwow space.

The Leading Edge of Resilience: Past, Present, and Future


We are honored to host a conversation about resilience with Austin Nunez, chairman of the San Xavier District of the Tohono O’odham Nation, and other members of his community. They will share experiences from the perspectives of different generations and lay the foundation for the journey of the next seven generations to come.

Psychospiritual Roots of the Israel-Palestinian Tragedy

Boulder Public Library Canyon Theater, 1001 Arapahoe Ave.

Alternative Radio presents a conversation between David Barsamian and Richard Forer, local author of the New York City Big Book Award winning Wake Up and Reclaim Your Humanity: Essays on the Tragedy of Israel-Palestine.

Street Wise Mural Festival

East Boulder Sioux Drive, Boulder, Colorado, United States

Street Wise Mural Festival returns September 13-15, 2024. Street Wise Arts’ flagship program explores the intersection of art and activism (ARTivism) while centering womxn, BIPOC, LGBTQIA, and emerging artists based in Colorado and beyond. The Festival will primarily install public art projects in the neighborhood of East Boulder. 

Peoples Playground – a Climatique Convergence

Junkyard Social Club 2525 Frontier Ave, Unit A, Boulder, CO

Come to People's Playground - a convergence of music, dance, art, connection, and social change. With an art market, local nonprofits, flash tattoos, face painting, live bands, and a poetry open mic, there's sure to be something for everyone!

Our Love Letter to Palestine and Yemen

Celebration Community Urban Garden 1650 S. Birch, Denver, CO, United States

FrontLine Farming's annual Farm-to-Table Dinner and Fundraiser will celebrate and support our local efforts toward liberation through food and foodways while also connecting to liberation struggles in the Arabian peninsula. This year, our gathering will also serve as Our Love Letter to Palestine and Yemen and will provide our community with a chance to fortify and activate our solidarity with our Palestinian kin. 

Prove It’s Clean: a campaign for coral reefs and safer sunscreen in Roatán, Honduras


Join us for a panel presentation on Prove It's Clean, a campaign to ban petrochemical sunscreens in Roatán, an island off the coast of Honduras. The presentation will go into some background of the island, an explanation of the harm caused by petrochemical sunscreens, and the action plan we are taking to address this problem in favor of the health of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef.

Identify and Fight Disinformation

Boulder Public Library 1001 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO, United States

How can good citizens help to identify and combat election-related misinformation? Learn how from retired Colorado Sun journalist Sandra Fish and Denver PL research and programming librarian Lauren Seegmiller. Their presentations will be followed by conversation and a Q&A facilitated by the Boulder Library Foundation's executive director Chris Barge.

From Land Loss, Boarding Schools, and the Indian Child Welfare Act to Housing Insecurities: Addressing Violence and Displacement in Indian Country and the Importance of Low-Barrier Housing Policies for Survivors


STTARS, Indigenous Safe Housing Center is hosting a webinar that will discuss the history of boarding schools and child welfare at the intersection of land loss, gender-based violence, housing disparities, and housing insecurities and the ensuing lasting genocidal impacts on American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States.

RMPJC Annual Meeting

Andrews Family Farm Jay Road, Boulder, Colorado, United States

You are invited to join our RMPJC annual meeting next Wednesday 9/18 from 5:30-7:30PM! Join us for a time to be in community with fellow Peace Center allies, enjoy a delicious free meal from a local caterer, and learn more about the work we've done this year and what we have planned for the rest of the year!